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Caring for children with life-limiting illnesses

Jigsaw, Cumbria’s Children’s Hospice provides care for children and young adults (up to 25 years old) with life limiting illnesses requiring respite, short breaks, end of life care and pre and post bereavement support 

Our newly refurbished facilities allow us to provide one to one care in a home from home environment. 

We have a highly skilled multi-disciplinary medical team to enable our children and young adults with the most complex health needs to be cared for in a unique environment which supports their individualised needs.

We are also looking closely at ‘transition’ and how we can support some young people beyond the age of 25. We are starting to explore how we can work with partners to enable this.

Respite and short breaks

We plan the children and young adult’s visits in advance which offers both day care and overnight short breaks.

We have five bedrooms with en-suite facilities which cater for children with complex health needs including hoist tracking, friendly accessible bathrooms and oxygen supply.

On average children will stay for short breaks of two nights and three days and this will be offered regularly throughout the year.

Our administration team coordinate short stay dates. If you have any specific requirements, please let them know and we will endeavour to accommodate you.

Whilst we provide home from home facilities the specialist care we provide is based on current evidence-based practice following individualised care plans. This is all in conjunction with our wider multi-disciplinary team already involved in a child’s care.

Urgent and end-of-life

Jigsaw is a specialist children’s unit which can care for children and young adults approaching end-of-life.  

End-of-life care is the priority for Jigsaw and we will endeavour to respond to all referrals or requests. The care team have the skills and expertise to support and manage complex symptom management as well as the significant emotional and practical support each family needs.

The team will work with a family to create final memories and experiences. At the hospice the family can stay with their child throughout with support always at hand.

We have a dedicated ‘Butterfly Room’ where a child can stay after they have died. The care team are available to provide emotional and practical support to help families in these early days of bereavement and in arranging the funeral.

Butterfly Suite

The Butterfly Suite provides a private and peaceful bedroom and lounge, a place for families to take time to say goodbye to children after they have died.

We understand that the death of a child is one of the most heart-breaking experiences that a family will ever go through. Even though grieving is a natural response, it can be so painful and overwhelming that day to day living may become hard to manage. Therefore, our dedicated care team are here to give help and guidance with practical arrangements

Jigsaw can offer a space for your child to be cared for after they have died for a period of up to seven days.

I think that independence is huge for a child with complex needs and in Jigsaw she gets her own time, just to be her. She gets to have a lot of fun, meet new people and do lots of different things.
Hayleigh – Jigsaw parent

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