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Comments and complaints

Here at the hospice we always welcome feedback about our services, whether positive or negative. It helps us develop our care by maintaining where we excel and improving where necessary.

Your experience of Eden Valley Hospice and Jigsaw is something we’re very interested in:

  • What did you think went well?
  • What would you change?
  • Do you have any other comments to make about the hospice?


Complaints can be made verbally to any member of staff or in writing by the patient or their representative. These may be formal or informal. We’re happy to provide any assistance you may need to make a complaint. You can:

  • Send a written complaint to:

Julie Clayton
Chief Executive
Eden Valley Hospice & Jigsaw
Durdar Road

  • Send an email to Julie at
  • Call 01228 817 610.

Fundraising Regulator

Our fundraising activities are regulated by the Fundraising Regulator. If you are in any way unhappy with our fundraising activities or in a response to a complaint made about these activities, you can contact the Fundraising Regulator by:

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