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Val Armstrong


Val, a popular presenter with CRFM and formerly of BBC Radio Cumbria, is a longstanding supporter of the hospice and will play a key role in raising awareness of our work across the region.

Speaking about her appointment as an ambassador, Val said:

“Like everyone, I knew of the great work that goes on at Eden Valley Hospice and Jigsaw, Cumbria’s Children’s Hospice. We all know people who have been touched by the services offered. But it wasn’t until my good friend Catherine was looked after at the end of her life that I truly understood the impact on a personal level.

“The care the team offered was second to none and made a real difference not just to Catherine, but also to Catherine’s family and her friends. It is a very special environment – so calm and caring – and it seems odd to say, but we were able to be happy and to laugh because the team took the pressure off us all.

“I am really delighted to be an ambassador for the hospice because I know the real difference the team makes.”

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