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Festive Fuddle

Throughout December, we’d love you to join other local businesses across Cumbria by taking part in a Festive Fuddle for Eden Valley Hospice and Jigsaw. Get together with your workmates and enjoy a jumble of flavours to fuddle the senses.

A fuddle is a Yorkshire term relating to a communal buffet typically hosted within the workplace. Everyone is invited to bring a dish to share with their colleagues. So why not get involved by coming together and enjoying a wonderful festive lunch with your co-workers whilst supporting your local hospice.


Why not donate the money you will have saved on your meal deal or lunch to help us care for local people with life limiting illnesses when they need us most?

We suggest you set a minimum donation amount for your staff all these funds will add up and you’ll be supporting our care and support for patients and families at this special time of year.

What could your money go towards?

£5 – A parcel of fun – help provide a fun session for one of our Jigsaw children or young adults this Christmas.

£10 – would provide a calm, dedicated, private space for families should they need a moment to themselves.

£20 – may go to towards the care of a nurse for an hour.

It’s easy to take part…

Complete the form and we will send you your very own fundraising pack which will include invitations to your fuddle, posters and bunting to decorate your workplace alongside a Christmas quiz and playlist to provide some atmosphere and competition on the day.

If you have any further questions, please contact our fundraising team on 01228 817649.

Event details
1 December 2023 31 December 2023
Sign up to participate

Your efforts make all the difference